The mindset tool that changed my life

Want to learn the mindset tip that changed my life? Have you ever heard of a saboteur? The saboteur is that voice in your head that tells you things like:

“You’re not good enough.”

“It’ll never work, just stay at *enter company name*”

“Have another glass, it’ll make you feel better”

“You are so stupid.”

“You just aren’t meant to be happy.”

The saboteur is often running the show that is our life. And with thoughts like that, you can see why some of us are so unhappy, unfulfilled, and stuck. So what do you do about it? 

Send your saboteur PACKing! 

P: PERSONIFY your saboteur. Seriously, give it a name, give it a personality. For example, my saboteur is named Razer and he wears a red spandex Party City costume. He’s fat, red faced and sweaty.

A: AWARENESS: Start by keeping a list of all the saboteur phrases that come up for you. Do this in your phone or journal. Next, notice the themes and patterns. Does the saboteur come up when you are getting ready for a date? When you are pitching to a potential new client? The saboteur is trying to protect you from something and it is important to identify what that is.

C: CHALLENGE the saboteur:  The saboteur is out of control and now is the time to tell it off. Ask these questions. Is this thought communicated by the saboteur true? Can it be proven in a court of law? Most of the time, the answer is no.  

K: KICK the saboteur out of the way:  Visualize something that works for you (slamming the door, hosing it down, sticking it in a drawer) and practice the visualization every time you notice the saboteur lurking.  

This practice has CHANGED MY LIFE.and I see it change my clients lives too. So today, I want you to PERSONIFY your saboteur so you can start sending those limiting beliefs PACKing and start creating your EPIC life.

Feel free to email me with any questions at


How to cure MBF (More, Better, Faster) Syndrome


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