What Clients Have to Say:


Individual Coaching Clients


Claire not only helped me navigate some very difficult business decisions during COVID-19, but she also helped me recenter, refocus, and think bigger. She helped me slow down in a time when my old habits were telling me to stay busy, work harder, and move faster. Slowing down allowed me to see options for my business and my path that I’d never allowed myself to explore in the past. It also meant I made good decisions for my team and my customers from a calm and collected place, that I think ultimately preserved more relationships and goodwill than I ever would have in the past. If you are on the fence about whether or not you should invest in coaching sessions with Claire, please take the plunge! So often, we get scared about investing in ourselves because we don’t think we deserve it. I’m proof that your investment will pay off. I believe my travel business will not only survive, but thrive after a global pandemic, because I set aside time during it to do the internal work with Claire guiding me.

- Lauren, Founder, Wild Terrains


I found Claire when I reached a tipping point of exhaustion with the global pandemic and its impact on my career. I needed to find a new job, but was carrying trauma and baggage from past roles and could see how it was hindering my confidence in the application and interview process. Claire's exercises and sessions guided me to approach the process from a place of power, and she led me to a place where I could confidently advocate for myself in salary negotiation (a thing I'd never done well) once I finally got a job offer. I especially loved Claire's visualization techniques and find myself using them daily!

- Sam, Chief of Administration


Claire pushed me to think outside the box by asking specific questions. This allowed me to expand upon the million of ideas that were constantly going through my head. By asking these questions, it pushed me come up with a list of different scenarios in terms of career/lifestyle that could very well happen in the coming year/s. Having a long list of possibilities written down and in front of me eased my worries as I started to realize there isn't just one or two paths I could take; there were multiple. Claire supported me every step of the way with her constant support and encouragement.

- Lauren Cherkes, Executive Assistant


I came to Claire curious (and doubtful) about coaching but ready to make a change in my life. She listened deeply and gave me the tools to see and honor my vision, to be gentle with myself and to know that I am a powerful and purposeful woman. Claire is a soulful guide and proactive ally who has opened me up to myself and to a whole community of strong like-minded women. I am grateful for her faith in me and will forever keep her in my tribe. Make the investment in yourself to work with her!

- Rachael Bjork, Educational Leadership


I had that inner feeling that my life was just not on track and could not pinpoint why I wasn’t the same happy person I used to be. Working with Claire helped me identify what was off balance and she provided many tools to help me create a vision for my life. Throughout our sessions, I was able to see many new perspectives, break down walls/old beliefs and create new habits for a fulfilling life with Claire's guidance and support.

- A.N., Creative Director


I sought out Claire during a time when I needed a lot of support in my business as well as life in general. I was growing my skincare company’s product line and moving from NYC to Texas. I enjoyed her ability to jump in and meet me wherever I was in each session, with plenty of tools and tips as well as LOTS of encouragement. Which, let’s face it, is super hard to give to ourselves all the time. Claire also helped me see that I am powerful and can support myself in my goals. Sometimes you really need a compassionate, caring and ORGANIZED person to guide you when you’re feeling lost and I’m so glad Claire has been that person for me. She also records all the sessions which are incredibly helpful to reference. I also referred Claire to two friends who found her work very helpful. If you’re looking for clarity around what you want to work towards and how to get there, work with Claire. 10/10 badass lady and amazing coach!

- Lauren, Founder, Lauren’s All Purpose


I started working with Claire when I felt I was in a crossroads in my life. It wasn’t that I was going through a financial crisis or that I lost my job, but because I was feeling too comfortable. I was afraid that this was how I would spend the rest of my life–boring as hell. Claire is a great listener and she provided support along the way for me to uncover the answers to my questions myself step by step. I am a more present person and much more willing to feel grateful for little things in life. I am more brave now and have the capacity to be more vulnerable. I am more committed to give it my all for the rest of my life to create and be the best version of myself that I can be. Claire helped me to realize it is never too late to dream and it is okay to relax and have fun once in a while. I would tell that person considering coaching with Claire that life is too long for us to wait to find out who we are until late in life and life is too short to wait for an opportunity to start living your dream. You can do it now!

- Maya, International Educator


At the time that I started FreedomU with Claire I was stuck in a rut at work, in life, and just mentally in general.  As I started to work with Claire, I opened myself up to different methodologies and processes to uncover things within me, that while I might have known were there, I did not acknowledge.  By acknowledging things about myself that I had taken so much time to bury and hide, I realized not only was there work to be done to dig out some of those buried experiences, but also I was ready to do the work and Claire helped me realize that. In working with Claire, I found myself prioritizing myself for the first time in....maybe ever.  I am grateful to Claire for pushing me outside of myself and helping me work on finding the happiness inside of me that I hid from myself.

- Brittny Laukhuff, Senior Manager


Claire has an insatiable curiosity and energetic personality that easily lends itself to coaching. Coupled with her patience and empathy, Claire has been integral in helping me define my next steps in my current job—and in my career overall. After each session with Claire, my goals were further developed with a mapped out course to follow. Her upbeat, compassionate personality made me feel so at ease during each session. Her insights on the conceptual and tactical details of navigating my career were invaluable. Without reservation, I would recommend Claire Sellers as a coach.

- Lina, Digital Marketing Lead


When I started working with Claire I was in a space where I was creating the life and business I had always wanted, but found myself saying yes to work that didn't serve me and felt like I was always in feast or famine mode. Through her coaching I began to identify my resistance to stepping into my power and opened myself up to new possibilities. Even in a pandemic the opportunities I aligned most with came flowing to me and I was able to connect more with my higher purpose and gifts. I recommend working with Claire if you know you have potential inside of you but feel stuck or unclear about how to bring it to life!

- Lacey, Creativity Coach + Copywriter


Claire coached me through a time of uncertainty and change. I gained so much confidence in navigating the unknown through the work we did together. Claire has the great gift of being able to see beyond your words to help you see what’s underneath. She is always insightful and flexible, tailoring each coaching session to suit my particular need at the time. Every coaching session has the right amount of humor and empathy. She balances empathy with accountability so that you achieve your goals. I highly recommend her as a coach.

- Sue, Director of Operations, Digital Technology Supercluster


When I first started my sessions with Claire I was honestly terrified. I thought I had just given permission to someone to hold me accountable when I’m not going on the right path. Those fears, I quickly learned, were the reason I needed this the most. I was caught up in the moment just trying to pay my next bill, and figuring out what was next. I felt lost, worn out and alone. Through my sessions I discussed and let go of my past, focused on my present actions and invested in my future. I was holding myself accountable, while she supported me and held my hand through it. These sessions helped me gain control of my life and myself. We don’t truly know how much we need 1 on 1 time with someone creating a personalized system that is going to set us up for success until you wake up one day and say I chose me.

- Rosie, Flight Attendant + Esthetician


At first I was skeptical to take on a life coach. I pride myself on being very in control of my life, but there were a few areas that I needed guidance. Claire had a way of approaching my needs with patience and humor. She was able to see patterns that I had never noticed before. It was also helpful to get daily meditations and reminders on what my head and heart needed to focus on. As a single, A-type, New Yorker who thinks she can “do it all by herself”, I can’t recommend Claire more. There’s no “one size fits all” with her—she tailors your experience to who YOU are.

- Rose, Founder + CEO


I can’t say enough positive things about coaching with Claire. She is insightful, positive and encouraging. Her approach is all about trusting your instincts which I love. I walked away feeling reinvigorated and empowered about my career and my place in the world. Claire is honestly magic!

- Molly, Actress


I was overwhelmed. stressed and directionless when it came to my future. I had no idea what I wanted to do and needed some guidance as to what my next steps should be. Through my work with Claire, I gained the confidence I needed to figure out what I truly wanted out of life. Through coaching with Claire, you will gain clarity and direction and your life will become much less stressful and fearful. You will learn more about yourself and be able to make decisions that make you happy and proud.

- Chloe, Law Student


A year ago, I was beginning to feel like I was stuck in a rut - I’d drifted into a career I wasn’t passionate about, I felt like I’d become complacent and wasn’t in control of my own life, and I was overwhelmed at the idea of even figuring out what I wanted to be doing and where I could. Working with Claire has been eye-opening - not only has she helped me to build a vision for what my life can be, and to start taking the steps to get there, but she has helped me to see all the ways I’d talked myself out of the things I really wanted to do, like writing, and has helped me find the confidence and the tools to start. In our end of year conversation, my bosses complimented me on speaking up more and being a leader this year, and that’s a direct result of the encouragement Claire has given me to be confident in my ideas and my accomplishments. And when the pandemic hit, Claire helped me navigate the stress of an increased workload and helped me set boundaries and find ways to embrace rest even when I was overwhelmed. I signed up for coaching thinking I was going to just end up with a shiny new resume and cover letter and some tips on what types of jobs I was qualified for, and instead I ended up learning so much about myself and gained a new vision and goals for my entire life (and also a shiny new resume and a better approach to cover letters).

- Aubrey, Online Learning + Events


Claire helped coach me through a major transition in my career. I was looking to change career paths, after almost nine years in my current job, and she was able to help me align my passions with a new career. Claire was there every step of the way helping me to navigate all the tricky steps of the process and gave me the tools to advocate for myself to get what I wanted. I truly couldn't have done it without her. I never realized how much potential I had until working one on one with Claire. She was able to help me identify my big change and motivated me to take the leap. I would highly encourage anyone looking to take the next step in their journey, to connect with Claire and get started today.

- Ryan, Development Manager


Group Coaching Clients


I started Success Team with Claire during a major transition period in many areas of my life. Claire creates a safe and supportive environment with incredibly inspiring and smart women. She provides useful tools that help you better understand yourself, and she is always your biggest cheerleader. If you’re looking for accountability, encouragement, and lifelong friends, Claire’s group program is a guaranteed solution!

- Ashley, Speaker, Writer, + Entrepreneur


I absolutely loved Claire’s Career Clarity course! The course was such a great guide and source of support in a very strange and unsettling period in my life where a huge amount changed in a very short time. I also think that really speaks to the versatility of the course and how it can assist in many different transitions as my goal coming into the course completely changed when I ended.

- Ashton, Digital Marketing Director


I can’t recommend Claire’s group coaching enough. She’s created an environment where we aren’t just getting her feedback and expertise, but also each other’s because she has established an open, safe environment where we feel comfortable to bring our issues/struggles front and center for crowdsourced solutions. If you feel suck and are ready for change, join the program ASAP!

- Rachael, Digital Marketing Entrepreneur


I was prompted to join Year of You because I knew there were other like-minded women in the same boat as me and it would allow me to feel support from a community of others. Not only was the program inspiring, it was incredibly motivating and it gave me much needed clarity. Within the program, I fleshed out my long term visions and am now aligned mentally and spiritually on my future goals.

- Molly, Assistant Buyer