Q. What is coaching?

A. To put it simply, you hire a coach when you’re ready to make a change. When you feel out of alignment, like you’re not fully living the life you want to live. 

Maybe you have a big dream but have no clue how to make it a reality. Maybe you find yourself stuck in the same negative patterns and you’re done playing it safe and small. Maybe you feel like your life is in shambles. Maybe you know exactly what you need to do and you just need an accountability partner to do it. You might be feeling all of these things. I’ve been there. We all have. I can help. I want to help you align with your vision of best self. 

Q. Is coaching the same as therapy?

A. Not at all. 

Therapists are typically helping you look at past experiences and how those past experiences are impacting how you are functioning or not functioning today. A coach focuses on what is here today and where you are headed. If you are currently seeing a therapist, coaching is a perfect complement to keep you on task in between sessions. If you are not seeing a therapist, then coaching will help you hone in on your goals, reach your true potential in all areas of your life and hold you accountable.

Q. What is a typical session like?

A. Our relationship will evolve in a way that best supports you. I will hold you accountable each session and be accessible in between if you get stuck. Every client has a unique journey because I do not believe there is a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to coaching. I do not solve your problems, but guide you into solving them on your own. While the nature and structure of the call will be tailored to you, I will always assign “homework”- everything from journaling assignments, to quantified actions, to reading. 

Sessions are typically 50 minutes via phone or Zoom. To read more about coaching, click here.