How to cure MBF (More, Better, Faster) Syndrome


Are you always going after the next thing? 

You may be suffering from More Better Faster Syndrome. (MBF)

It’s like this crazy cycle where you just never get to where you want to be. The target is always moving. So your energy is going towards what happened last hour, last week, last year AND you are freaking out about the next promotion, date, meeting. Sound familiar?

I honestly think this is why people are so exhausted.

I find that the more I let go and accept the present moment, the more joy and peace I feel. 

Here is what I do to minimize MBF Syndrome. Give these tips a try and let me know how it goes!

1) Slow down.

Build in 2-3 “REST” periods during your day. Don’t skip them. Lunch break, coffee break, around the block walk. This will be difficult at first, with consistency, it will become part of your normal practice. 

2) Come to the present

what is present for me right now? I keep this on my phone so I remember to ask myself this question. This is a great way to tune into the present when we are trained to live in the past and present. The peace, the energy, the flow, lies in the present. 

3) Opt for ease

We LOVE to overcomplicate. But is it really that complicated? Does it need to be that complicated? When I feel myself getting anxious, I like to ask myself this question: what is the easiest version of this story? 

4) Keep it in perspective

You are further along than you think. We often left MBF convince us that we are just never going to get there. Keep an ongoing list of wins each week. Big and small. Do something each week to celebrate you and your amazingness. Put this in your calendar. When you feel MBF creeping in, scroll through your list of wins. It’s all about perspective. You are doing it!

Check out my episode on the We’re Only Human podcast where I go deep into MBF and share more tips on how to shift into a new way of being that is full of ease, rest, and joy.


Are you letting “the how” stop you from making change? 


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