Nothing changes if nothing changes

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Here is the thing. We can hum and haw all we want about how we don’t like our jobs, how we don’t like our boss, how we can’t stand waking up at 6am, or being tied to a desk. We could actually spend a lifetime yacking about that.

Sadly, many people do.

I carried on for two years like this surrounded by friends and colleagues who felt the same. And you know what? None of us were doing anything about it. My two good friends were in the same boat so I asked (coerced them) into forming something a mentor had told me about– a Success Team. I told them we would meet once a week for six weeks and hold each other accountable. (I was conveniently in the early stages of my coach training so it was perfect to have two guinea pigs on my hands.) I had no idea how it was going to go or if we would actually “figure out our career situation” as we liked to call it, but it was worth a shot. We met at my apartment every week for six weeks and something magical happened. We actually started doing things. We shared what our dream scenario would be and then we worked backwards. We connected with all the contacts. We did mindset work. We built up our confidence. We didn’t let each other make up excuses. We got our resumes in tip top shape. By the end of six weeks, we had accomplished more than we had in the whole last year. We continued meeting for four months. By the end, I had major clarity that I wanted to leave New York to travel and had gotten permission from my boss to do my job remotely, Mary had decided she was moving to California and was on her final interview. Anne had leveraged a contact she got from Mary’s friend and landed an amazing social work job.

We had literally moved our own personal mountains.

I realized that I could benefit from this type of community, accountability and support all the time and wanted to share the magic with others. So I kept leading Success Teams all around the world and virtually. Over the last year, I have been studying what worked/what didn’t, what tools were most impactful, condensing and crafting the Career Clarity Success Team. I get so pumped up just writing about it because Success Team literally changed my life and I KNOW it can do the same for you too. I’m taking calls all week with women interested in joining the team. DM me or emoji below. Nothing changes if nothing changes!


Stop chasing your passions and purpose!


Do you like your job? Does it light you up?