FACT: It's not an accountability problem, it's a YOU problem


Fact: It’s not an accountability problem, It’s a YOU problem. 

If I had a dollar for every client or potential client who tells me they just need accountability, I would be a millionaire. 

I’m going to tell it to you straight. It isn’t accountability that is getting in your way. 

It’s you. 

There is a fundamental misalignment in what you desire and what you believe you can have and do.

It is as simple as that. 

Because if you knew that your goal, your dream, your vision, the change– would be a success, it would already be done by now. 

So while accountability is key, the real work is in your belief about what you are worthy of. 

Do you believe that you deserve to have it? The job, the side hustle, the house, the empire, the relationship, the community, [insert your dream here]?

The mindset work, the rewiring of your thoughts and beliefs must come first. You can’t put the cart before the horse my friends. 

Try this journaling exercise. 

  1. Write down an area in your life you feel like you aren’t making progress.

  2. Write down the limiting belief that most often comes up and holds you back. 

  3. Where did this limiting belief come from? Where else is it showing up? What is the impact believing this to be true is having on this area of your life? 

  4. Journal on what would be possible if you believed this fully to be true. Visualize this land of possibilities for 3-5 minutes every day. Feel it. 

  5. What is the opposite of this limiting belief? What is the most empowering belief you can hold true. Write in on a post it and put it somewhere you can see it every day. 

Rinse and repeat. 


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