Are you happy with the life you have built?

Mid re-design in Morocco.

Mid re-design in Morocco.

Are you happy with the life you have built?

If you asked me this three years ago the answer would have been a quick and resounding no. I remember so vividly taking the subway home after another late night at work. I was bundled up from head to toe packed in the train car like a sardine. I would look around. Everyone looked so unhappy. The truth was that I was deeply unhappy too. I remember thinking to myself “there has to be more than this.” I knew that wasn’t the life I was supposed to be living, but I couldn’t see a path forward. I didn’t know how to get out. I was in the ultimate hamster wheel. Living to work and working to live. Avoiding reality in between.

For a long time, I felt like I didn’t have a choice. I had to keep on keeping on because that is what we do. Ultimately, my way out was through travel. I had to physically remove myself from the environment that was contributing to my unhappiness. Once I had a new perspective and was surrounded by different people, I started to have hope. I started to trust myself again. I built up my confidence. From there, I was able to really think about what mattered to me. I started to rebuild my life on my terms. I am now on a mission to help others do the same.

Rate the following areas of your life on a scale of 1-10. 1 = the absolute worst and 10 = so amazing you can’t imagine it getting any better.


Friends and family

Significant other

Personal growth

Fun and leisure

Home environment



Do these numbers surprise you? What would a 10 look like to you?

If you are ready to get out of the hamster wheel and want to explore what a happier, more fulfilling life could look like, I am here. Click here to set up a free chemistry call today.

p.s. A more in depth version of this exercise is available in my goal setting action plan here.


Ever feel like you just want to "get there?"


It is time for monthly goal setting!