Now is your time to CLAIM AND CREATE your dream.

Here’s the naked truth– everyone wants to start their own business.

Everyone wants to be their own boss.

I hear this from women around the world every single day.

VERY FEW will actually do something about it.

If you are here right now, you are one of those few.

Seven years ago I was a six figure corporate executive in NYC living happy hour to happy hour, working 60 hour weeks, feeling totally lost and stuck while dreaming of starting my own business.

I was dreaming of not just replacing but doubling and tripling my income while working for myself and living wherever I wanted in the world working no more than 20 hours a week.

Sounds like a dream, right.

It took me NINE years to finally make the leap and start my first business and to this day it was the best decision I've ever made.

That leap changed everything for me.

Since then, I’ve spent the last nine years mastering the ins and outs of birthing and building a business that is in line with my soul. I’m living my dream life.

I have coached HUNDREDS of women out of corporate and into their dream life through my proven process that ignites clarity, purpose and inevitable inspired action so they can live a life that sets their soul (and bank account) on fire.

I know how you're feeling right now, sister…

✨ Knowing that you are meant to do something BIG with your life, yet doing nothing about it.

✨ Having so many ideas but feeling paralyzed in getting started.

✨ Doing work that doesn’t light you up FULLY because it is safe or pays the bills.

✨ Literally working on the WEEKENDS just to keep your head above water.

✨Having very little structure and your days feel like you are drinking out of a firehose.

✨ Making nowhere near the amount of $ you want (hello! we want private jet status!)

Now close your eyes and picture this...

✨ Having a crystal vision for the next 6 months, year, 5 years that sets your soul and bank account on fire.

✨ Making your corporate salary in a MONTH working 20 hours a week.

✨ Taking long weekends, weeks, months long vacations whenever the F you want.

✨ Working from anywhere in the world or your freaking bed because you can.

✨ Buying your mom a week long beach vacation and paying her bills for her.

✨ Literally going to sleep at night SO EXCITED because you get to make money creating your dream.

✨ Knowing that you have the tools and mindset to overcome ANYTHING and expect miracles at every turn

✨ Being the girl that everyone says “I’ll have what she's having” and the secret is that you are just lit up on your life and biz.

This invitation is for the woman who is…

✨ ready to build the business of her dreams, her way in just four months

✨ ready to step into the spotlight of your purpose and potential

✨ KNOWS she is meant to live an fing extraordinary life

✨ ready to strike out on her own so that she can build a LEGACY

✨ ready to blow her current earnings out of the water

✨ ready to have the strategy, tools and unwavering support to make this the year she actually gets in the game and does the damn thing.

If you're ready to birth and build not only your dream biz but your DREAM LIFE that lights you up from within every damn day...

You're in the right place, sister.

I created The Dream Accelerator just for you.

It's the culmination of over 15 years worth of mastery, over 50K in learning from the best mentors, coaches and teachers in the world, hundreds of clients I've brought through this exact process for wild transformation, and all of the tangible mindset and business tools I wish I had when I was birthing my own biz so you can do it faster, more easily, more enjoyably.

Each month there will be a live content anchoring call where we will deep dive into the treasure trove of recorded content from that month and there will be two live Q&A calls where you will get 1:1 coaching from me.

In addition, you will get access to a video library of 20+ hours for self-study materials for everything you need to know to build a thriving business. From website design, social media mastery, sales, marketing, pricing, how to budget and become profitable and more. This is like a mini MBA built just for women who want to create a thriving business FAST! You can follow the monthly flow OR focus on the area you need the most support.

We will also have a Telegram group so you can stay connected to me and the group and get real time support 24/7!

✨ Module 1: Clarify Your Dream Business/Idea

✨ Module 2: Design Your Dream Business (pricing, product, website, social media)

✨ Module 3: Launch (create your launch + marketing plan)

✨ Module 4: Sell (start receiving + selling with ease!)

Here's what you'll receive...

✨Four months live coaching calls (three per month) where you will receive expert level strategic, energetic and clarity infused support. .

✨A community group for unlimited real time text + voicenote coaching with me and support from your sisters

✨Access to Claire’s entire rolodex of healers, therapists, energy workers

✨Access to Claire’s entire rolodex of business support team members


The Dream Accelerator Gold:

$3,900 pay in full or three payments of $999

Early Bird: $3,400 or four payments of $850

The Dream Accelerator Platinum (recommended for best results!):

+ four potent deep dive 1:1 Zoom calls with Claire for customized support

🚀+$1,999 to your rate above! 🚀

Extended payment plans available upon request, DM me @claire_penelope for details

Client Results


Meet Molly! She is a Dream Accelerator graduate and insanely talented jewelry designer who left her full time job during The Dream Accelerator by replacing her income with a single dream client! This created the freedom and time to work on her first full jewelry line which she is creating now inside my Inner Circle Mastermind for women scaling to $10k+ months!

Meet Janett who used to work at a well known big biz in Silicon Valley. She traded in her leadership development day job for a love of travel and purpose and freedom. In The Dream Accelerator, we created and launched her luxury travel curation business and now in The Inner Circle Mastermind, she is launching a new digital program rooted in life design that will culminate in retreats and experiences based in Greece where she now calls home.